Events Statistics
Events with the Highest percentage of attendance Events with the Lowest percentage of attendance Events with the Larger capacity
Event highest (XX %) Event lowest (XX %) Event larger (capacity number)
Upcoming Events Statistics by Category
Categories Revenues Percentage of attendance
Category 1 $500 50%
Category 2 $250 25%
Category 3 $100 10%
Category 4 $100 10%
Category 5 $50 5%
Category 6 $50 5%
Past Events Statistics by Category
Categories Revenues Percentage of attendance
Category 1 $1000 50%
Category 2 $500 25%
Category 3 $200 10%
Category 4 $200 10%
Category 5 $100 5%
Category 6 $100 5%
Category 7 $100 5%